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My bitter disappointment (ooh . . . look who is being dramatic) over not winning the writing contest (see previous post) was pacified when two guardian angels swooped down and handed me the ABC (Awesome Blog Content) Award. What a lovely consolation price. Don’t you just love it when guardian angels are all swoopy-?

My angels, Corey at Corey M.P. and Ms. Katykins at Come and Check This Out are delightful and I owe them a debt of gratitude.

The award asks the recipient to name 26 alphabetical things about themselves and then nominate other bloggers. Here we go!

Me from A to Z

A = Adaptable (I was tempted to say “Adorable” but decided I should remain humble lest you un-follow and delete me.)

B = Blonde (At least I used to be.)

C = Cheerleader-to-all (You guys rock!)

D = Dedicated (And Determined.)

E = Efficient (I am the Tasmanian Devil of the To-Do list.)

F = Feeding people (Come over for dinner!)

G = Germy (I have a cold . . . sniff.)

H = Humble (See Letter A above.)

I = Interesting (At least I strive to be.)

J = Joyful (Yup.)

K = Kind (Yup.)

L = Loving (Except when my mother-bear comes out.)

M = Mom (Three beautiful daughters.)

N = Nature-lover (Give me the mountains and I am happy.)

O = Organized (My husband and kids think I am the Google Maps app for locating everything in our house.)

P = Planner (I am in my element when I have something to plan.)

Q = Queen (Oops. Make that Quaint.)

R = Reader (But not enough time.)

S = Sensible (Except for when it comes to shoes. I love a good pair of uncomfortable heels.)

T = Tenacious (Watch out when I latch on to a project.)

U = Unique (Don’t read that as weird please.)

V = Virtuous (I don’t know any other way to operate.)

W = Writer (My kids would have said “Worrier.”)

X = X-Ray-able (Sorry.)

Y = Yacky (Love a good conversation.)

Z = Zippy (Well, that sums it all up.)

And the nominees are . . .

Hover Craft Doggie is a treat for the eye. They are architects and post one stunning photo with a pithy title that draws you into their blog.

Dodging Commas is always fun and thought provoking.

Lime Is Better makes me want to be a part of their blog so I can ask, “Better than what?”

Sadie and Daisie posts three themed-photos and I am moved to comment every time they post.

Blurt is an irreverent and amusing blogger and takes me by surprise. Ask him about his job.

Ella Dee is a sweetheart and everyone should read her blog.

Wanderlust Gene shares insight, humor, and lovely photos from far away lands.

Thank you again for the ego-boosting award Corey and Katykins . . . aka my angels.